Steps to install optimus-cli in windows

Optimus Template is the native framework for Optimus, designed to help you to get started with your tests in the swiftest time possible. Read more about Optimus on our wiki, for videos watch here


Getting started with Optimus

  • Step 1: Install the optimus-cli utilty
npm install -g optimus-cli
  • Step 2: Verify if your system is ready for using Optimus
$ optimus doctor
  • Step 3: Install if optimus doctor reported any missing dependencies.
$ optimus setup
  • Step 4: Again try to execute optimus doctor, if some applications are not getting detected try setting path for which ever it is not detecting ( Java|Gradle|MongoDB|AndroidPlatformTools ).

  • Step 5: Configure Mongodb
    If you have installed mongodb using optimus doctor command. You will have to manually create /Data/db folder.

    Here is how you do it in terminal

    mkdir -p \data\db
    icacls "C:\data" /grant Users:F

    try running mongod command in your terminal now, mongo instance should be up and running on port 27017

  • Step 6: To create a new Optimus project.

$ optimus new <project_name>
  • Step 7: Once the project is created you can import the project into your favourite IDE. However we love IntelliJ though.

Import Project

  • IntelliJ
  • Eclipse

  • Change Appium & Node Path in HelloOptimusAndroid.json|HelloOptimusIOS.json Check manually by going to below mentioned paths. If the files are present, then you can use below paths. Otherwise you need to set the actual path of Appium&Node.
AppiumPath in json - "C:\\Users\\<UserName>\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modules\\appium\\build\\lib\\main.js"
NodePath in json - "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe"