Get started with your first android test

Writing tests in Optimus is no different than the tests you write everyday, except that it does most of the heavy lifting, helping you to focus entirely on the test, thus the philosophy of Optimus

Focus On Functionality

Building Test Feed

If there is anything at your disposal to tame the mighty Optimus, then it’s your TestFeed. Let us build a simple test feed now.

Under resources folder create a new json file called OptimusAndroid.json. You can copy below content in your newly created test feed.

  "executionDetails": {
    "appium_js_path": "/usr/local/bin/appium",
    "appium_node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node"
      "runsOn": "any",
      "appDir": "app",
      "optimusDesiredCapabilities": {
        "appiumServerCapabilities": {
          "app": "hellooptimus.apk",
          "platformName": "Android"
        "androidOnlyCapabilities": {
          "appActivity": "com.testvagrant.hellooptimus.MainActivity",
          "appPackage": "com.testvagrant.hellooptimus",
          "avdLaunchTimeout": 300000,
          "useKeystore": false
      "deviceState": {
        "captureVideo": true

Optimus would generally read this test feed as

Create a driver which belongsTo optimus for an app hellooptimus running on
emulator on Android platform.

You can create number of variations to this test feed matching your functionality.

Feature file

Under package features create a new feature HelloOptimus.feature.

Feature: Say Hello to Optimus

  Scenario: Hello Optimus
    Given I have optimus hello application
    When I open it on either emulator, simulator or device on any platform
    Then I should be able to say a hello to optimus

Go ahead and create a step definition file for above feature under steps package.

public class HelloOptimusSteps extends BaseSteps{
    @Given("^I have optimus hello application$")
    public void iHaveOptimusHelloApplication() throws Throwable {

    @When("^I open it on either emulator, simulator or device on any platform$")
    public void iOpenItOnEitherEmulatorSimulatorOrDeviceOnAnyPlatform() throws Throwable {


    @Then("^I should be able to say a hello to optimus$")
    public void iShouldBeAbleToSayAHelloToOptimus() throws Throwable {


To access the webDriver for your application, all you would need is getDriverInstanceFor(<belongsTo>). This is a powerful approach when you do interApp testing.

Now you are all set to run your first test. Lets get a bit geeky here. Bootup your favourite emulator. Open your terminal and navigate to your project folder and try below command.

./gradlew runFragmentation -DtestFeed="helloOptimus" -Dtags=@helloOptimus


./gradlew runDistribution -DtestFeed="helloOptimus" -Dtags=@helloOptimus

In case you have a gradle distribution on local you can run below commands

gradle runFragmentation -DtestFeed="helloOptimus" -Dtags=@helloOptimus


gradle runDistribution -DtestFeed="helloOptimus" -Dtags=@helloOptimus

After all the initial setup process you will be able to see optimushello app appear on your emulator screen

Kudos for your first successful android test with Optimus. Now that you have reached here, let us understand the basic features and building blocks of Optimus, the TestFeed

Tags: android