Get started with your first ios test

Running tests on IOS platform is mostly similar to the tests running on Android Platform which you have learnt in My First Android Test.

Build Test Feed

Under resources folder create a new json file called OptimusIOS.json. You can copy below content in your newly created test feed.

  "executionDetails": {
    "appium_js_path": "/usr/local/bin/appium",
    "appium_node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node"
  "testFeed": [
      "belongsTo": "optimus",
      "runsOn": "simulator",
      "appDir": "app",
      "optimusDesiredCapabilities": {
        "appiumServerCapabilities": {
          "app": "",
          "platformName": "iOS",
          "deviceName":"iPhone 6",
          "platformVersion": "9.3",
          "automationName": "XCUITest"
        "iOSOnlyCapabilities": {
          "launchTimeout": 300000

Using this test feed you can run tests on IOS platform.

Run the below command

./gradlew runFragmentation -DtestFeed="helloOptimusIos" -Dtags=@helloOptimus


./gradlew runDistribution -DtestFeed="helloOptimusIos" -Dtags=@helloOptimus

In case you have a gradle distribution on local you can run below commands

gradle runFragmentation -DtestFeed="helloOptimusIos" -Dtags=@helloOptimus


gradle runDistribution -DtestFeed="helloOptimusIos" -Dtags=@helloOptimus

You will see that the HelloOptimus app is launched in IOS Simulator.

Kudos for your first successful iOS test with Optimus. Now that you have reached here, let us understand the basic features and building blocks of Optimus, the TestFeed

Tags: ios